Growing Our Family Tree in China and Beyond

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Photoless day...(James blog)

Ok, I forgot to put the chip back in the camera after downloading the last batch of pictures. So the camera could only take 9 pictures without the chip. I also forgot to bring the cord to transfer the photos from the camera to the computer. :( (who knew we would need it, for a measly 9 pictures.)
Soooo, I'll just have to explain our day to you, without the living color. Let me start by saying we only have 3 major highlights to the day; taking a shower, eating breakfast and getting e-mails from people. Of course family time is a highlight, but we are getting bored. We've really slowed down on the paperwork end, so not much to do until Wednesday! It's like being in prison with a bag of plain potato chips... boring!
The only exciting thing to happen yesterday was at a downtown KFC. The staff had someone move from their table so we could sit at it instead. The restaurant was very busy & the lobby was full. We got a few mean looks from everyone like "oh, rich americans" made us lose our seats. I was hoping for a riot to break up our day... but no such luck. The restaurant has a guard and a lobby attendant patroling. It is their custom to have patrons move over & sit at a table that is only big enough for their party. So if you are a family of two at a four seater, then you must move.
Hannah has been fitting in like she was born to us, like she was always a "Hunsucker"! She is quiet, polite, shy "around strangers";(wait to till you get to know her, she is a real ham)LOL, she is respectful and a good listener... and of course crazy~wild with no shame of making a fool out of herself, LOL. Everyday she wakes with a smile, and says "Good Morning!". She understands a lot of English and speaks about 25 English words. Her main language is Cantonese, but she does understand Mandarin as well. She is very smart and attentive. She also loves to eat, hopefully that will slow down as we get her home and she has a more wide open place to play and explore.